
Simple.Data has always been designed with "testing as a core feature" and supports unit testing your whole application stack using the InMemoryAdapter found in the Core namespace. There are several configuration methods for the InMemoryAdapter that are not found on other adapters. These are used to replicate the actual state in the database (table relations, autoincremented columns, keys and stored procedures)


With the SetKeyColumn you can tell Simple.Data that a certain column is the key. And by that you can use the Get-methods, for example, to get records by the key.

var adapter = new InMemoryAdapter();

// Set Id as the key column of the Test table
adapter.SetKeyColumn("Test", "Id");

var db = Database.Open();
db.Test.Insert(Id: 1, Name: "Alice");

// Get the record by the key (id)
var record = db.Test.Get(1);

Assert.AreEqual(1, record.Id);
Assert.AreEqual("Alice", record.Name);


SetAutoIncrementColumn is used to replicate that some columns are incremented for each insert. For examples for IDENTITY columns

var adapter = new InMemoryAdapter();

// Increment the Id-column of the Users-table for each insert
adapter.SetAutoIncrementColumn("Users", "Id");

var db = Database.Open();
var newId = db.Users.Insert(Name: "Marcus").Id;
Assert.AreEqual(1, newId);


With the AddFunction you can supply a delegate that will be called when the stored procedure is to be called in the production code

var adapter = new InMemoryAdapter();

// Setup a simple delegate that is called instead of the Test-stored procedure
adapter.AddFunction("Test", () => 
        new Dictionary { { "Foo", "Bar" } });
var db = Database.Open();
foreach (var row in db.Test())
    Assert.AreEqual("Bar", row.Foo);


There are 2 ways to configure joins (or the relations) on the InMemoryAdapter; with the ConfigureJoin-method or with the more fluent interface Join.Master().Detail().

These two examples are equivalent

var adapter = new InMemoryAdapter();

// Set up the relation from Users to categories
adapter.ConfigureJoin("Users", "Id", "User", "Categories", "UserId", "Categories");

var db = Database.Open();

db.Users.Insert(Id: 1, Name: "Marcus");
db.Users.Insert(Id: 2, Name: "Per");
db.Categories.Insert(Id: 1, UserId: 1, Name: "Category 1");
db.Categories.Insert(Id: 2, UserId: 2, Name: "Category 2");

var categories = db.Users.FindAll(db.User.Categories.Name == "Category 1").ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(1, categories.Count);


The equivalent call to ConfigureJoin above is as follows

var adapter = new InMemoryAdapter();

// Set up the relation from Users to categories
adapter.Join.Master("Users", "Id").Detail("Categories", "UserId");

var db = Database.Open();

db.Users.Insert(Id: 1, Name: "Marcus");
db.Users.Insert(Id: 2, Name: "Per");
db.Categories.Insert(Id: 1, UserId: 1, Name: "Category 1");
db.Categories.Insert(Id: 2, UserId: 2, Name: "Category 2");

var categories = db.Users.FindAll(db.User.Categories.Name == "Category 1").ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(1, categories.Count);