
Simple.Data defines a number of commands for retrieving data from a data store. These can then be daisy-chained in a LINQ-like fashion with further methods to modify the basic query. For example, the With, WithOne, and WithMany commands allow you to join two or more tables together in a query and access the contents of both using an eager-loading strategy. This means that if you cast the results of an eager-loaded query into a POCO, Simple.Data will gather any data from child tables into properties or collections for you to query without any subsequent queries to the database. See here for more information.


Use With to create an eager-loaded join query between two tables which have a foreign key relationship (or equivalent) between each other. When cast to the corresponding POCOs, enumerable properties representing the child tables will be hydrated correctly.

There are two ways to form an With method.

  • You can specify the child table name as a named parameter.
  • You can specify the child table name as part of the method


public SimpleQuery WithtargetTableName(

public SimpleQuery With(
	ObjectReference targetTableReference
	[, out dynamic aliasedTargetTable]


Type: string The name or alias of the child table in the join
Type: ObjectReference
A reference to the child table in the join written using either dot notation (db.PrimaryTable.ChildTable) or index notation (db["PrimaryTable"]["SecondaryTable"]). Note the chained style of identifying the child table.

Alternately, the results of a call to As
Type: dynamic
An out parameter which allows you to alias tables in the join and reuse them in later joins.

Return Value

Type: SimpleQuery
A SimpleQuery object containing a With clause.


Exception Condition
NullReferenceException With has been called directly on a table reference without a base command (All, FindAllBy etc)
ArgumentException tableReference is not a valid, single column reference
- or -
Both targetTableReference and targetTableName are used in the same call.
InvalidOperationException There is no foreign key relationship between the primary table and the target table.

Note that issues #282 - #284 are still open with regards to exceptions thrown by With.


Note that you cannot currently use With to eager-load grandchild tables or deeper.


With Queries Returning A SimpleRecord

If you are using a base command that returns a SimpleRecord (Find, Get, FindBy), you’ll need to write the With command before the base command. For example:

db.Albums.WithArtists().Get(1);   // fluid style
db.Albums.With(db.Albums.Artists).Get(1);    // named parameter style

With Queries Returning A SimpleQuery

If you are using a base command that returns a SimpleQuery (All, FindAll, FindAllBy), you can write the With command before or (more readably) after the base command. For example:

db.Albums.All().WithArtists();   // fluid style
db.Albums.All().With(db.Albums.Artists);    // named parameter style

Using With and As to Give Collection The Correct Name

If the POCO to which you are casting the results of a query uses a different property name for a table which you are eager-loading, use the As function to change its name.


You can also use the optional out variable here to keep your Select statements compact.

dynamic BandAlias;
var albumDetails = db.Albums.All()
    .With(db.Albums.Artists.As("BandInfo"), out BandAlias)

Using With and Join.On To Specify Explicit Joins

In cases where you want to eager load some data but need to specify a Join relationship explicitly, you can use Join().On() in conjunction with With.

dynamic homeTeam;
dynamic awayTeam;
    .Join(db.Team.As("HomeTeam"), out homeTeam)
    .On(db.Fixtures.HomeTeamId == homeTeam.Id)
    .Join(db.Team.As("AwayTeam"), out awayTeam)
    .On(db.Fixtures.AwayTeamId == awayTeam.Id)

WithOne & WithMany

Use WithOne or WithMany to create an eager-loaded join query between two tables which do NOT have a foreign key relationship (or equivalent) between each other. When cast to the corresponding POCOs, data from the child table will be hydrated into a single, complex object or an IEnumerable collection respectively.


public SimpleQuery WithOne(
	ObjectReference targetTableReference
	[, out dynamic aliasedTargetTable]

public SimpleQuery WithMany(
	ObjectReference targetTableReference
	[, out dynamic aliasedTargetTable]


Type: ObjectReference
A reference to the child table in the join written using either dot notation (db.PrimaryTable.ChildTable) or index notation (db["PrimaryTable"]["SecondaryTable"]). Note the chained style of identifying the child table.

Alternately, the results of a call to As
Type: dynamic
An out parameter which allows you to alias tables in the join and reuse them in later joins.

Return Value

Type: SimpleQuery
A SimpleQuery object containing a With clause.


Exception Condition
NullReferenceException WithOne or WithMany has been called directly on a table reference without a base command (All, FindAllBy etc)
ArgumentException tableReference is not a valid, single column reference


WithOne and WithMany can also be used to create joins between tables that do have foreign key relationships between them, as well as With.

You cannot currently use WithOne or WithMany to eager-load grandchild tables or deeper.


Queries Returning A SimpleRecord

If you are using a base command that returns a SimpleRecord (Find, Get, FindBy), you’ll need to write the commands before the base command. For example:


Queries Returning A SimpleQuery

If you are using a base command that returns a SimpleQuery (All, FindAll, FindAllBy), you can write the command before or (more readably) after the base command. For example:


Using As to Give Collection The Correct Name

If the POCO to which you are casting the results of a query uses a different property name for a table which you are eager-loading, use the As function to change its name.


You can also use the optional out variable here to keep your Select statements compact.

dynamic BandAlias;
var albumDetails = db.Albums.All()
    .WithOne(db.Albums.Artists.As("BandInfo"), out BandAlias)

Using Join.On To Specify Explicit Joins

In cases where you want to eager load some data but need to specify a Join relationship explicitly, you can use Join().On() in conjunction with With.

dynamic homeTeam;
dynamic awayTeam;
    .Join(db.Team.As("HomeTeam"), out homeTeam)
    .On(db.Fixtures.HomeTeamId == homeTeam.Id)
    .Join(db.Team.As("AwayTeam"), out awayTeam)
    .On(db.Fixtures.AwayTeamId == awayTeam.Id)